The Oromo Gadaa System and its Accountability Values

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Introduction There are democratic institutions indigenous to Africa. Much is unknown about these institutions and Africa is often portrayed as undemocratic, a representation reinforced by a widespread democratic deficit on the continent. However, history reveals that this depiction of Africa…

The Corporate Accountability Paradox

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} The pandemic has unmasked the charade of so many supply chain accountability initiatives as dozens of global corporations, especially apparel brands, stiffed workers by not paying for orders completed, demanded deep price cuts from their suppliers, and failed to ensure…

Introducing the Concept of Social Accountability in Women’s Cooperatives in Indonesia

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Akuntabilitas sosial (the direct translation of Social Accountability in the Indonesian language) is a new phrase that has only been known in recent years in Indonesian politics and development. Before international development agencies brought the term Akuntabilitas sosial to Indonesia,…

The Use of ‘Causal Chain’ Analysis in Strengthening Public Accountability

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} There is some consensus in the development community that blueprint interventions do not work; that context matters in shaping outcomes; therefore, development interventions need to be adapted to the specific context within which they are applied. What is less clear…

The Language of Accountability in Pakistan

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Almost all the words referring to accountability one way or the other – for example, responsiveness, transparency, participation, inclusion, accountability, rule of law – are used as they are (as English words), despite the fact that there are stronger Urdu…

Social Audits in India: Institutionalizing Citizen Oversight

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} This post discusses an important accountability strategy, social audits, tracing their emergence in movement-led jan sunwais or public hearings to their current institutionalized role in India’s founding national employment legislation. This post reflects on the ongoing struggle to make social…

Vertical Integration: Localizing the Concept

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} While it has been several decades since numerous transparency, participation and accountability (TPA) initiatives have been undertaken in development and governance around the world, the results have been mixed. There are TPA initiatives such as participatory mechanisms, access to information…

Open Government, Feedback Loops, and Semantic Extravaganza

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Tom Steinberg recently brought up one of the most important issues for those working at the intersection of technology and governance. It refers to the deficit/surplus of words to describe the “field” (I call it field in the absence of a better…

Indigenous Groups, Language, and Challenges in the Construction of Concepts Such as the Right to Health and Governance

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Versión en español: Pueblos indígenas, idioma y retos para la construcción de conceptos como derecho a la salud y gobernabilidad In 2007, CARE Peru and ForoSalud, the largest network of civil society organizations in health in Peru, began the process…

Pueblos indígenas, idioma y retos para la construcción de conceptos como derecho a la salud y gobernabilidad

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} English version: Indigenous groups, language, and challenges in the construction of concepts such as the right to health and governance Allá por el año 2007 iniciamos desde CARE Perú y el ForoSalud – la más amplia red de organizaciones de…