About ARC

The Accountability Research Center (ARC) is based in American University’s School of International Service. We collaborate with our partners to contribute to global thinking on how to improve public accountability and build more inclusive societies.

Village social auditor training in the field, prior to commencement of social audit. Photo credit: SSAAT

The ARC Team

Jonathan Fox

Jonathan Fox is a professor in the School of International Service at American University and the founder and director of ARC. He studies the relationships between accountability, transparency and citizen participation. For more of his work, see here.

Keisha Prawl Woods

Keisha Prawl Woods is the director of operations at ARC. She holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Maryland Global Campus. She has been managing the finances of research centers and academic units since 2011 and is currently responsible for ARC’s contracts and grants.

Naomi Hossain

Naomi Hossain is a visiting scholar at the School of International Service, American University. Based at SOAS University of London, she is a political sociologist whose research focuses on the politics of inclusive development, or how people get the public services they need. Her work with ARC focuses on researching accountability in Bangladesh, education accountability, and grievance redress mechanisms.

Judy Gearhart

Judy Gearhart is a research professor at the School of International Service at American University, working on corporate accountability and workers rights. She is also an adjunct professor at Columbia University. Previously she worked at the International Labor Rights Forum and at Social Accountability International. For more, see here.

Walter Flores

Walter Flores is a research professor at School of International Service and a research associate at ARC, where his work focuses on Health Rights and Accountablity. He founded CEGSS, an action-research organization contributing to improved health and indigenous population rights in Guatemala. See more here.

Rachel Nadelman

Rachel Nadelman is a research professor (asst.) at American University’s School of International Service, where she also studied for her PhD. Rachel’s work with ARC focuses on monitoring civic engagement in development aid, particularly focused on the World Bank. For more, see here.

Joy Aceron

Joy Aceron is the convenor-director of Government Watch in the Philippines (G-Watch), an action research organization working on accountability and citizen empowerment in the Philippines. She is also an ARC researcher, and served until 2023 as member of ARC’s advisory group.

Mariana Cepeda

Mariana Cepeda is an ARC researcher based in Bogotá, supporting the work of ARC and its partners on social accountability and peacebuilding in Colombia. She holds a master’s degree in International Development from SIS at American University. For more, see here.

Suchi Pande

Suchi Pande is an ARC researcher whose work includes research collaborations in India – including social audits and citizen oversight and work on grievance redress mechanisms. She holds a PhD in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. For more, see here.

Helmer Quiñones

Helmer Quiñones is an ARC researcher based in Bogotá. He works with government agencies and CSOs on democratization, institutional design, human rights and transitional justice, through the lens of anti-racism. Since 2016 he has coordinated the advisors of the High Level Body of Ethnic Peoples of the Commission for Monitoring, Promoting and Verifying the Implementation of the Final Agreement of the Peace Accord.

Abrehet Gebremedhin

Abrehet Gebremedhin is an ARC researcher and a PhD student at American University’s School of International Service. Her research interests are in M&E, accountability in education and health programming, youth inclusion, and multi-level monitoring. For more, see here.

Jeffrey Hallock

Jeff Hallock is an ARC researcher and a PhD candidate in the School of International Service. His research focuses on anti-corruption reforms and democratic accountability.

Conor Moynihan

Connor Moynihan is an ARC researcher working on human rights and accountability in fisheries. He holds a Master’s in Natural Resources and Sustainable Development from SIS at AU.

Luis Diaz

Luis Diaz is the ARC finance manager. He has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from George Mason University and is currently working towards his master’s degree in Public Administration. For more, see here.

Karen Brock

Karen Brock is the ARC publications and communications manager. She is a research communication specialist, writer, editor, and researcher. She has worked for SOAS University of London, Christian Aid, and the Institute of Development Studies, amongst many others.

Advisors to ARC

The 8 ARC advisors are all thought leaders in the transparency, participation and accountability (TPA) field. Advisors are either public interest strategists or applied researchers, all known for their commitment to rights-based approaches and social inclusion.

Victoria Boydell

Research Fellow, Global Health Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies

Brendan Halloran

Former Head of Strategy and Learning, International Budget Partnership
Washington, DC

Shereen Essof

Executive Director
Just Associates
Southern Africa / MesoAmerica / USA

Rosie McGee

Institute for Development Studies

Lisa VeneKlasen

Advisor & Founding Executive Director
Just Associates
Washington, DC

Anuradha Joshi

Institute for Development Studies

Rose Nierras

Director, Asia Program

Rights and Resources
Washington, DC

Nikhil Dey

Founder, Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan,

Currently affiliated with Jan Sarokar


American University Faculty Project Collaborators

Scott Freeman

Scott Freeman holds a PhD in anthropology and conducts research on aid impacts and political ecology in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Costa Rica. He is collaborating with ARC on issues of aid induced displacement and the pursuit of remedy for displacement in Haiti.

Rachel Robinson

Rachel Robinson is an Associate Professor in American University’s School of International Service and holds a PhD in sociology and demography from the University of California at Berkeley. Her research focuses on sex-related health interventions in sub-Saharan Africa, including family planning, HIV/AIDS, and sexuality education. Rachel collaborated with White Ribbon Alliance in Nigeria. She is co-Principal Investigator on the MacArthur Foundation project “Sandwich Strategies: Comparative Analysis of Institutional Change in the Global South.”


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