Vertical Integration: Localizing the Concept

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} While it has been several decades since numerous transparency, participation and accountability (TPA) initiatives have been undertaken in development and governance around the world, the results have been mixed. There are TPA initiatives such as participatory mechanisms, access to information…

Open Government, Feedback Loops, and Semantic Extravaganza

{!{wpv-post-title}!} Author(s): {!{types field=’blog-author’ separator=’, ‘}!}{!{/types}!} Date: {!{types field=’blog-date’}!}{!{/types}!} Country: {!{types field=’country’}!}{!{/types}!} Language(s): {!{types field=’language’}!}{!{/types}!} Tom Steinberg recently brought up one of the most important issues for those working at the intersection of technology and governance. It refers to the deficit/surplus of words to describe the “field” (I call it field in the absence of a better…