Going Vertical: Citizen-led Reform Campaigns in the Philippines
Date: 2018
Authors: Joy Aceron (Editor), Danilo Carranza, Marlon Lara Cornelio, Jonathan Fox, Francis Isaac, Federick Vincent Marcelo, Rhia Muhi, Benedict G. Nisperos, Romeo Saliga.
Publication type: Book
Published by: Government Watch, Accountability Research Center
Going Vertical is the result of an action-research collaboration between Government Watch (G-Watch) and ARC on multi-level citizen action for accountability. The book investigates how one strategic approach to citizen accountability – vertical integration – enabled seven reform initiatives in the Philippines to gain meaningful results. The initiatives address:
- Mobilizing citizens for transparency and accountability in education
- Campaigning for agrarian reform
- Empowering communities for housing and community services
- Intensifying an anti-mining campaign
- Campaigning for the rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Advancing reproductive health rights
- Building disaster-resilient communities
Summaries of the seven case studies are also available in Filipino.
Going Vertical is an expanded version of a research report published in December 2016, supported by a grant from Making All Voices Count (MAVC).
Joy Aceron is the Convenor-Director of G-Watch and a Researcher at the Accountability Research Center (ARC). A graduate of the University of the Philippines with a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in public policy, Joy has 15 years of experience in citizen monitoring, citizenship education, and civil society-government engagement. She has published works on civil society participation, political reform, and vertically integrated citizen-led reform campaigns.