Citizen Participation in Auditing in Latin America: The Future Agenda
Date: April 2021
Author(s): Marcos Mendiburu
Publication type: Learning Exchange Report
Published by: Accountability Research Center, ControlaTuGoberino, Fundar, Oxfam Mexico, Auditoria Superior de la Federacion, Communidad PIRC, Red por la Rendicion de Cuentas
A group of civil organizations committed to strengthening state-society synergies for accountability and Mexico’s National Audit Office (ASF) jointly organized the International Seminar on Citizen Participation and External Auditing in September 2020. More than five thousand people from 21 countries registered, and there were more than eighteen thousand virtual participants throughout the three days of the event.
During the seminar, participants shared an assessment on the state of the subject regionally, research on the progress made at the sub-national level in a couple of countries, the practices of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the region, and examples from civil society on the use of SAI-generated information.
This learning exchange report summarizes the discussions at the seminar.
Marcos Mendiburu
Marcos Mendiburu is a consultant on issues of transparency, accountability, and open government. He has worked with numerous civil society organizations, foundations, governments, and international organizations. In 2018 and 2019, he coordinated the virtual course on strategies for citizen participation and Supreme Audit Institutions, co-sponsored by the Citizen Participation Commission (CPC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) and the Civil Association for Equality and Justice (ACIJ) from Argentina. Previously, Marcos worked for 16 years in the World Bank as Senior Governance Specialist. He is the author of the ARC/Controla Tu Gobierno Accountability Working Paper entitled “Citizen Participation in Latin America’s Supreme Audit Institutions: Progress or Impasse?”.