“In ARC, we have an important partner that helps us to reflect about our own work and improve our own ideas. Most of our partnership involves learning together and from each other.”
Walter Flores, Former Director CEGSS (Guatemala)
Health Post Patachaj, San Cristotal Totonicapán, Guatemala.
Health Rights Defenders: Carmelina Puac and Bonifacio Puac.
Photo credit: Sandra Sebastián
Partnerships are at the core of ARC’s thinking and practice. Our partners, many of them from Latin America, Africa, and Asia, work for transparent, participatory, and accountable governance. They focus on diverse issues: access to health and education; labor rights and worker organizing; governance, anti-corruption, and aid transparency; building peace, collective human rights protection, and racial equity.
Through dialogue and collaboration, ARC provides technical and analytical accompaniment for research, learning, and strategy on advancing accountable governance reforms. With partners, ARC co-publishes research and co-convenes learning exchanges. It shares reflections on accountability practice and strategies within and across partner networks.
We work with our partners to amplify their voices and insights, weaving grounded knowledge into propositions that contribute to national and international policy and research agendas.
El Consejo Comunitario General del San Juan
ACADESAN is a territorial council that promotes and protects the rights of 72 Afro-Colombian communities living in the southern San Juan region. It is one of Colombia’s first Afrodescendant territorial organizations.
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Asesoría, Capacitatión y Asistencia en Salud
ACASAC, based in Chiapas, is an association of professionals in the areas of health and communication who are interested in promoting research, training, development, and application of alternative models of medical care.
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Accountability Counsel
International NGO
Accountability Counsel amplifies the voices of communities around the world to protect their human rights and environment. As advocates for people harmed by internationally financed projects, we employ community driven and policy level strategies to access justice.
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Africa Freedom of Information Centre
Pan-African civil society organization
With 43 CSO members in 23 African countries, AFIC is the largest membership pan-African civil society organization and resource centre that promotes citizens right of access to information and open contracting in Africa. AFIC’s work involves research, capacity building, advocacy, monitoring implementation of regional and international treaties and facilitating information-sharing.
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Arab Watch Coalition
Multi-national civil society network
AWC was founded in 2018. Members represent civil society groups across Arab countries. AWC envisions inclusive, participatory, sustainable, and just development processes in the region. AWC’s works to realize this vision by empowering, facilitating, and activating the role of the civil society to influence development policies, processes, and projects funded by the International Financial Institutions.
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Bangladesh Center for Workers’ Solidarity
BCWS is a grassroots workers’ rights organization that aims to improve the rights of workers, gender equality, and human rights in the formal and informal sectors of Bangladesh.
Bank Information Center
International NGO
BIC advocates for social, ecological, and economic justice by amplifying local voices and democratizing development finance. BIC partners with civil society in developing and transition countries to influence the World Bank and other international financial institutions (IFIs).
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Baobab is a center for innovation that aims to contribute to the transformation of ethnic-racial, gender and environmental injustices, and to the dismantling of power structures. It takes innovative and participatory approaches to knowledge production, public advocacy, and strategic communication.
BRAC Institute of Governance and Development
BIGD is a social science research and academic institute within BRAC University, Bangladesh. By influencing policy and practice using rigorous research and by building fit-for-future capabilities through quality educational programs, BIGD aims to promote innovation and improvement in governance and development processes, leading to a just and prosperous society.
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Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud
CEGSS is a civil society organization that carries out research, advocacy, and capacity building in Guatemala around social participation, public health policies, and the right to health. For more en español or in English.
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Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights
CENTRAL is an NGO that organizes and supports the Cambodian working people to demand transparent and accountable governance for labor and human rights, through legal aid and other appropriate means.
Controla tu Gobierno
Controla Tu Gobierno develops and implements social audit methodologies to empower marginalized communities in Mexico’s urban areas. Controla Tu Gobierno establishes long-term alliances with locally-based organizations which are recognized by the population, with the goal of securing the sustainability of projects and building ties with the community.
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Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health
International Network
COPASAH promotes community-centered and citizen-led practices to improve accountability in health. It facilitates the exchange of lessons and experiences among members and supports documentation and dissemination of lessons to help strengthen the field.
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Destructive Fishing Watch
DFW is an alliance that brings together institutions and individuals who care about destructive fishing, environmentally friendly fishing activities, poverty, and climate change adaptation in Indonesia. The spirit of this alliance is to eradicate destructive fishing practices and promote fishing patterns that have an impact on sustainable fisheries.
Factly is a Data Journalism/Public Information initiative in India that works on the complete open data/information ecosystem (creation, analysis, consumption). To make public data and information meaningful, Factly uses tools such as public information portals (with stories, videos, infographics), tools like Counting India, open data consulting and data analysis.
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Foro Interétnico Solidaridad Chocó
FISCH is a coalition of black, indigenous, mestizo, social, youth, women, rural and urban communities in Chocó department. FISCH emerged in 2001 as a mechanism for the protection and dignity of communities, organizational strengthening, and definition of regional strategies to overcome social and armed conflicts.
Fundación Tierra
Fundación Tierra an NGO that seeks ideas and proposals in order to foster a sustainable rural development of indigenous and peasants populations. Central to its work is a commitment to an equitable and sustainable use of natural resources, particularly land and territory.
G-Watch is an independent national action research organization in the Philippines that works to promote dialogues in the transparency, participation, and accountability (TPA) field. It aims to contribute to the deepening of democracy through the scaling of accountability and citizen empowerment.
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International Budget Partnership
International NGO
IBP works in collaboration with multiple actors – including civil society, state actors, international institutions, and the private sector – to bring about a world in which empowered citizens participate in open, inclusive budgeting processes to shape policies and practices that promote equity and justice on a sustainable basis.
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JASS – Just Power
International network
JASS builds women’s collective power for justice. Women are on the frontline of crises and change around the world, defending people and the planet. We strengthen the voice, visibility, and collective power of women to join with others in forging a just, sustainable future for all.
Promotores de la Autogestión para el Desarrollo Social
PADS is a civil society organization, founded in 1993, that uses interdisciplinary approaches and participatory-reflexive methods to promote capacity-building so that men and women in rural Guerrero can use self-management to transform their local context and living conditions.
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Support for Advocacy and Training to Health Initiative
SATHI partners with civil society organizations to work on health rights issues, and facilitates advocacy at the local, district, state and national levels.
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Viso Mutop
The Viso Mutop Corporation was established in 2012. It accompanies rural communities in Colombia, working hand in hand with them on peace building, promoting respect for their rights, and ensuring care for the environment. Its activities include monitoring the socio-environmental and human rights impacts of drug policies; analyzing the dynamics associated with deforestation; and producing inputs for institutional decision-makers and the media.